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Diese Kerze brennt für Ullrich Wendt


Eine Kerze für Ullrich Wendt

Eine Kerze wurde
am 13.12.2011 um 18:25 Uhr
Für immer in unseren Herzen!
Rosalina hat am 02.02.2014 folgendes geschrieben:
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Zeynep hat am 17.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
I have a 2008 Cummins with 67000 miles on it. Dodge did all the front end recall stuff, berfoe my truck ever started having issues. I do have a Rough Country 5 lift with 35 tires, and the truck was fine for a year after it was installed. About a month ago problems started. It's been to the alignment shop 3 times, a four wheel drive shop, and the dealer 3 times in the last 3 weeks. No one can find any slack in anything. I am disgusted and scared to even drive it anymore. [url=]wayprpkx[/url] [link=]mpusaorm[/link]
Raven hat am 16.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
I have a 2008 Cummins with 67000 miles on it. Dodge did all the front end recall stuff, bofere my truck ever started having issues. I do have a Rough Country 5″ lift with 35″ tires, and the truck was fine for a year after it was installed. About a month ago problems started. It’s been to the alignment shop 3 times, a four wheel drive shop, and the dealer 3 times in the last 3 weeks. No one can find any slack in anything. I am disgusted and scared to even drive it anymore.
Quan hat am 14.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
My husband owns a body shop, so has seen many acctdenis, and thus repaired them. When I told him what my 2006 Dodge Diesel Mega Cab was doing, he WOULD NOT believe me how extreme it was shaking. I felt like the whole dash was going to fall off, and my tire was going to fall off! Well, now he understands because it has happened to him. It is very scary, and I cannot believe that this has not caused acctdenis. I paid way to much money for this truck to have these issues, and I believe that it is an accident waiting to happen. I seriously think that this should be a recall! There has been other recalls in reference to these vehicles, and none to this extreme. Are you kidding me!!!??? I had my son in the truck with me, I guarantee there would be a HUGE law suit if something happened to him!! DODGE SHOULD HAVE TO BITE THIS ONE AND NOT THE CONSUMER!! So much for trying to stick with American made! My next truck if I can even sell this one, WILL NOT be a Dodge!!!
Dies ist eine persönliche Gedenkkerze für Ullrich Wendt | Diese Kerze wurde bereits 2191 mal angesehen | Zu dieser Kerze wurde bereits 4 mal Mitgefühl verfasst | Am 13.12.2011 wurde diese virtuelle Gedenkkerze entzündet