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Sie befinden sich hier:   Startseite » Gedenkkerzen » Standa Bily


Diese Kerze brennt für Standa Bily


Eine Kerze für Standa Bily

Geboren am 30.06.1940
Gestorben am 10.04.2012
Eine Kerze wurde
am 24.04.2012 um 16:13 Uhr
von Jirka und Heidi entzündet.
Du warst uns ein guter Freund, der immer in unserer Erinnerung weiterleben wird.


Jirka und Heidi
Lynn hat am 02.03.2014 folgendes geschrieben:
For those who possess a difference of opinion to your corporation Quotes Chimp don't visit tribunal. That you do not visit tribunal, in The Event That the corporation can't and also you agree with a neutral settlement for harms brought on by an uninsured driver. Alternatively, you take part within an settlement. In the settlement, there might be one arbitrator, for whom you and also the business spend mutually; or three arbitratorsone picked (and paid-for) from you, one by the firm, plus 1 by each of the formerly chosen arbitrators, for whom both events spend similarly. (We presume this technique is unfair as it pushes you to truly spend money on the opportunity of getting a difference of opinion to your corporation. For much more with this subject, notice Section 42.) The arbitrator(s) should decide whether you have the right to harms and, in that case, in what sum of money.
Ronaldo hat am 20.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
(This post is slightly off-topic, but areteld) I wish there was way less time and money going against binge drinking and underage drinking. The real issue is addiction and driving under the influence. If they quit teaching kids that drinking alcohol is so incredibly wrong before age 21, and instead spent more time educating kids (and the public in general) about how and why people become addicted to alcohol that would solve so much of the problem. It's interesting how the USA pretty much has the highest drinking age of any non-islamic country..Let's face it the more illegal/forbidden alcohol is for minors, the more fun it is for minors. That was the case for me I drank multiple times a week until turning 21, had a pretty hazy month after the birthday, but now I spend roughly 20 bucks a month on alcohol (in the bar and off-sale), I know many, many others who had similar expieriences.In short if people are really interested in having people consume less, we should try giving kids straight answers on alcohol, addiction and DUI. Stuff like DARE and general scare tactics just doesn't work.P.S. The big alcohol companies spend billions a year on advertising to make their product look like the coolest thing with only positive consequences on TV, magazines, Ralph Engelstad Arena/Alerus center, pro games, billboards it obviously influences many to consume more- otherwise the companies wouldn't have that big of a budget. [url=]lezimbwm[/url] [link=]ochsymvoj[/link]
Ayob hat am 17.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
Ha ha ha bette Skriegbaum lad os lige se hvor mange penge du spare i morgen . Du me5 lige sf8rge for at smide nogle bleeldir af shoppingturen ( nu ved du jo hvordan man smider bleeldir pe5 FB fra IPhone). Go tur til c5rhus.
Thalissa hat am 16.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
I thought I was going to get to be cleevr and be able to view this book on my iPhone via iBooks but, even though I have purchased it and can read it via my iPad, for some reason I can't find it while accessing iBooks on the iPhone. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Dies ist eine persönliche Gedenkkerze für Standa Bily | Diese Kerze wurde bereits 2225 mal angesehen | Zu dieser Kerze wurde bereits 4 mal Mitgefühl verfasst | Am 24.04.2012 wurde diese virtuelle Gedenkkerze entzündet