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Sie befinden sich hier:   Startseite » Gedenkkerzen » Margarethe Mayer


Diese Kerze brennt für Margarethe Mayer


Eine Kerze für Margarethe Mayer

Geboren am 14.04.1927
Gestorben am 25.01.2008
Eine Kerze wurde
am 18.04.2012 um 15:11 Uhr
von Angelika Heidrich entzündet.
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Alexandra hat am 17.11.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
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Samarjeet hat am 15.11.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
Oyeeeee Haha u gave dbsk 3, well oki I can be happy with that, I do not get how u are not dying for the ballads. Junsu's voice is like heaevn!! And listen to Are u a good girl that song is wow
Fabian hat am 14.11.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
day with us. Also, big thanks to Jacques for the btfueiaul photos you can see even more on his blog. Service ProvidersVenue: WelbeloondCatering: Dish Food & SocialPhotography: Real Simple [url=]etppxndmh[/url] [link=]ulfgkkims[/link]
Rachelle hat am 12.11.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
A French court has just ruled that voodoo dolls of Nicholas Sarkozy can be sold in French stoers.Has anybody considered selling Osama bin Laden voodoo dolls? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voodoo dolls? Mohammed (with bomb turban) voodoo dolls? Koran voodoo dolls? Kaaba voodoo dolls?Why not?This could get interesting...
Willian hat am 03.11.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
that, All of us have become like one who is uncalen, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags All the good works which we do are still not good enough in the eyes of God. The JDDJ between the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation does not speak for all Lutheran bodies. For instance, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is not a member of the LWF, nor does it hold to the JDDJ. Luther could not accept that salvation came by grace through faith AND the good works which you do. That is not what Scripture says (see Eph. 2:8-9). That is not what The LCMS believes either. However, that is exactly what the JDDJ says. I hope this helps with your understanding.
Maskur hat am 15.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
Poor Sarkozy arranged for pbuiiclty, now the company has not enough capacity to produce enough dolls. However the court ruled also that it should be provided with a notice that it is "reprehensible". Soon we get voodoo department stores selling hate objects on purely commercial basis. Verbal hate will be controlled in MSM. We will all meet in the department store. Not islam but voodoo will rule Europe...a nice bargain or not? [url=]emevfv[/url] [link=]zsblywwxnxe[/link]
Jano hat am 14.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
" The protection of mietiroins", the protection of majority comes to mind.Formally - for strategic reasons - we can dissect the majority any time and have the "mietiroins" as well.It is our laziness that we are not able to organize the dissenting voices within a minority. Ex-muslims come to mind. They could provide us with a lot of funny facts about the rather anonymous persons on the photo. Some uncles from dubious circles providing their relatives with easy jobs in Austria. Then Austrian officials bowing rather to the uncles (useful contacts with strings attached) than boring guys on the photo.
Thoufiq hat am 14.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
It is not the way,that i feel a little bit samliir to Katharina Blum,but the methods don`t change.many years ago i was imployed by this big newspaper many years.this ressort for fashionand pictures they want economise,to expensiv.they wanted to get ride of startet a time of harassment mobbing,sans egal.i have to do dissimilar jobs,they have nothing to do with my proffesion,i dont go in the details.on the end according to expectations
Dies ist eine persönliche Gedenkkerze für Margarethe Mayer | Diese Kerze wurde bereits 2437 mal angesehen | Zu dieser Kerze wurde bereits 11 mal Mitgefühl verfasst | Am 18.04.2012 wurde diese virtuelle Gedenkkerze entzündet