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Diese Kerze brennt für Für meinen wunderbaren Papa Willibald
Eine Kerze für Für meinen wunderbaren Papa Willibald
Geboren am 19.03.1939
Gestorben am 18.10.2011
Gestorben am 18.10.2011
Eine Kerze wurde
am 27.11.2011 um 18:45 Uhr
von Heike entzündet.
am 27.11.2011 um 18:45 Uhr
von Heike entzündet.
Du warst so ein wundervoller Mensch und immer für mich da.Wärend deiner Krankheit hast du so sehr gekämpft und doch verloren. Du wirst immer in meinem Herzen bleiben.Hätte Dir noch so viel zu sagen...Ich vermisse dich so unendlich.
Dein Töchterlein
Dein Töchterlein
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Youssouph hat am 20.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
Hi Michelle! I was about to suggest drums (or sohenmitg similar) for your son but then again, they're not the most parent-friendly instrument out there. Does his school have a music program or anything like that? Could he watch other kids playing different instruments? As I recall, the music teacher in my own elementary school demonstrated all the available instruments and let us choose the one we wanted to play. It seemed to work, for the most part (I chose violin, and I liked it enough to stick with it until high school, at which point I realized that my school had no orchestra and I stopped playing). Anyway, I hope the starter instrument works out, whatever you end up choosing! [url=]otxwclhfzmm[/url] [link=]etribbecndw[/link]
Rimma hat am 17.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
Eu achei estranho que a Pina Bausch tenha feito uma ceroografia te3o convencional para uma pee7a musical que foi composta cerca de um se9culo e meio antes dos Ballets Russes! De certeza absoluta que o Gluck ne3o estava a pensar numa ceroografia assim quando compf4s esta pee7a...Eu esperava que a Pina Bausch tentasse recriar o ambiente da Gre9cia Antiga, por exemplo, je1 que a f3pera se refere a uma histf3ria da mitologia grega, ou ente3o que fizesse uma ceroografia decididamente moderna, e0 la Pina Bausch. Enfim, foi uma manifestae7e3o de ecletismo por parte dela.Quanto ao Gluck e e0 sua obra, acho que e9 pena que a mfasica dele seja te3o pouco tocada, porque e9 mfasica de grande qualidade. O azar dele foi ser contempore2neo de dois ge9nios te3o grandes, quanto foram Haydn e Mozart, que o deixaram na penumbra. De qualquer modo, Gluck teve um papel fundamental na criae7e3o de uma f3pera aleme3, livre das influeancias da f3pera italiana e dos excessos do bel canto.
Karar hat am 16.10.2013 folgendes geschrieben:
It was still hanging this mnnriog (Fri). I purchased Whale Meat via the website, and the transaction went fine, yet it was still not showing up in my Nook Color's library as it should. So I decided a lil investigating/troubleshooting was in order.I happen to own an older, non-color original Nook as well, linked to the same account. Had not used it in a while, so when I powered it up the book was there.So I rebooted the Color Nook and Whale Meat magically appeared. And I was then able to purchase Drumlin from the device as well. So thank you very much Android OS. Or B&N, or whoever.What was interesting about it was that I could order other titles (non-PubiT), but not yours. And a reboot solved this problem.This interests me as well. I will be releasing an ebook this summer via the PubiT system, as well as Amazon and iBooks (or whatever Apple calls it).Summary: Reboot your Android device occasionally to De-gunk it
Dies ist eine persönliche Gedenkkerze für Für meinen wunderbaren Papa Willibald | Diese Kerze wurde bereits 2186 mal angesehen | Zu dieser Kerze wurde bereits 5 mal Mitgefühl verfasst | Am 27.11.2011 wurde diese virtuelle Gedenkkerze entzündet